Semper Fidelis

Date of release: December 7, 2024



Here are 2 maps for Doom 2, that use plenty of Boom trickery to make our poor marine’s hostile experience even more interesting. Also includes more Doom cute than I’ve ever done before I think.

Semper Fidelis use mostly Doom 2’s stock textures, but I have also included other textures to further try and heighten the realism (like @elend‘s excellent container textures). Music by @Hayden49 and @Lippeth

These levels have been in my unfinished folder for a while and just like Tales from Mars, they are too good to be forgotten about, but not quite the end product I had wanted them to be. Semper Fidelis is 2 maps. The third level exists but have been cut from this version.

Use a sourceport that supports Boom. I used DSDA-Doom and PrBoom+ to test them. They have only been tested by myself.

Download link to /idgames